Finding original compositions from unused vantage points is becoming increasingly difficult, given the popularity of the South Downs as a photographic subject. Like any other area of life, landscape photography can be very competitive, ruthless and territorial and I've had a few negative experiences with people who would eat themselves if they were made of chocolate. Happily, during  the last two years, I have been granted access to several estates by enlightened landowners. Until recently, all of these estates have been wooded areas on the High Weald. I am pleased to say that I now have kind permission to enter private land on the South Downs. Under the right weather conditions, my job as a landscape photographer has become a whole lot easier now that a range of new vantage points have become available.

The farmer has informed me that Fallow and Roe deer are present on his land. Red deer were observed a few years ago. I normally have to travel well into Sussex to see large numbers of deer, which of course, takes time and costs money. My former deer sites on the South Downs are no longer worth visiting, as the land use has changed, driving the animals away. I look forward to spending time this summer photographing local Roe deer in fields of barley.


Lemon Drizzle

Hope in the Valley


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