
Showing posts from June, 2016


F inding original compositions from unused van tage points is becoming increasingly difficul t, g ive n the popularity of the South Downs as a photographic subject . Like any other area of life, landscape photography can be very compet itive, ruthless and territorial and I've had a few negative experiences with people who would eat themselves if they were made of chocolate . Happily, during  the last two years, I have been granted access to several estates b y enlightened landowners . U ntil recently, all of these estates have been wooded areas on the H igh Weald. I am ple ased to say that I now have kind permission to enter private land on the South Downs . Under the right weather conditions, my job as a landscape photographer has become a whole lot easie r now that a range of new vantage poi nts have become available. The farmer has informed me that Fallow and Roe deer are present on his land. Red deer were observed a few years ago . I normally have to travel well into S...

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