I always take a week off every year to photograph what I regard as the symbolic end of winter - when bar e, sorry looking woodlands are transformed by a dazzling combination of vivid bluebells and fresh green leaves. Winter is a prison of introspection and alienation from my preferred outdoor life. Entering a bluebell wood in late April is my first taste of freedom in several months. I can become completely absorbed . But while it is easy to photograph bluebells, it is difficult to photograph them well. Many photographers get carried away, giving little thought to composition, light and perspective and are unsurprisingly disappointed with their results. B luebells are delicate flowers , which show up best in early morning or late evening sunsh ine. Flower heads are quite widely spaced apart, requiring standard to long focal lengths to comp ress the perspective. High levels of contrast in bluebell woods present s a challenge for exposure. To correct this issue , I use a so